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The Fat Loss Factor : Guaranteed Highest Converting Front End On CB

The Fat Loss Factor : Guaranteed Highest Converting Front End On CB
I was at the end of my rope when I discovered Dr. Charles and the Fat Loss Factor. Now, as I write this, after losing 30 pounds in a few short months, I am so thankful I hung on to that rope just a little longer.
I had tried every diet out there – from Weight Watchers to the Cookie Diet to Jenny Craig – with little to show for it except for a greatly diminished bank account. I thought I had some sort of genetic disorder that would prevent me from losing weight. After all, I was a heavy child, a heavy teen and now, a heavy adult. Maybe I just wasn’t built to be skinny, I thought.
Losing weight was more than just an aesthetic priority for me. I wanted to look good, (of course, who doesn’t?) But I had begun to see my “bad” cholesterol creep up into the dangerous zone, my knees were starting to ache from carrying my oversized body around, and I was having trouble sleeping, thanks to the sleep apnea caused by my weight problem.

Finding Dr. Charles and the Fat Loss Factor program was a bit of godsend. From the first moment I saw his cleverly animated video that laid out the principles for his program, I was hooked.
Of course, my past dieting experience was still with me, and I was skeptical. But everything he said made so much sense. These were things I had heard before – from that long ago high school anatomy class to the latest medical reports you hear on the news. His explanations made sense, and the goal seemed to be so attainable.
In the video, Dr. Charles talks about many of the fad diets and diet products – like pills and drops – that I’d tried with no lasting results to speak of. Then he laid out the foundation for his plan: The liver. The liver is body’s fat burning factor, and when it functions efficiently, all is well. When it doesn’t, that’s when you see an increase in fat.
It’s simple, right? My teacher probably told me this in high school, but somehow the light bulb in my head didn’t go off; at least, it didn’t until Dr. Charles explained it so well.
He went on to talk about how to improve liver function, and thus increase your body’s natural fat burning facilities. He made it sound so easy, but I was still skeptical. But I am so glad I listened and took a risk on Dr. Charles and his program – the results speak for themselves.
Dr. Charles starts you off with a brief cleanse to kick start your liver. This phase leads to some rapid and noticeable weight loss. I lost six pounds and a dress size in the first week. It really motivated me for the next part of the diet.
While the cleanse was a snap, I also found the diet very easy to follow. Dr. Charles provides you with everything you need, from recipes to workout regimens. There’s even a grocery list to make shopping easier – and I need easy, believe me.
Though I am single, I have a demanding career – and a life. I don’t have a lot of time to cook special meals for myself. (OK, I don’t really have time to cook, period.) Luckily, with a little planning and Dr. Charles’ help, I was able to get meals ready in about five minutes or less. And because I was shopping at my regular market, and eating out less, I’ve been saving money these past few months. It’s really nice to follow a diet that increases your bank account instead of decreasing it.
Another thing I love about this program is how little exercise it involves. Just 15 minutes, three times week. I didn’t really think it would work – I have (sporadically) spent hours and hours at the gym slaving away on a treadmill. To discover all that work was unnecessary was fantastic! This is a workout method I can live with – I mean, who doesn’t have 15 minutes three times a week? I wish I had known about this years ago.

I also liked the fact that Dr. Charles was so available via email. When I had questions or needed some support, he responded to me right away. I really appreciated his guidance and wisdom – I don’t think I could have come so far so quickly without it.
Some of my favorite parts of the program were the instructional videos featuring Lori, Dr. Charles’ “guinea pig.” Her before-and-after pictures were amazing, as was the story of her journey toward a healthy lifestyle. But I loved the supermarket video, in which Lori talks about selecting the healthiest products. There was so much I didn’t know! Some of the things I thought were healthy were far from it! Everyone should watch this video.
Every Fat Loss Factor Program comes with a ton of material to help you along your path. I found the guides so helpful, especially as I delved deeper and deeper into the program. I still have about 15 pounds to lose, but I feel like I am well on my way to achieving my goal.
I can’t believe what a change my life has undergone in these past few months, thanks to Dr. Charles. I have so much more energy! I am not winded or sore after climbing a few flights of stairs! At my most recent doctor’s appointment, my primary care provider was amazed at my new cholesterol levels, not to mention how low my blood pressure was! And I sleep so much better – no more apnea. I am no longer worried about my family history of heart disease and diabetes, because my new healthy lifestyle is the best defense I have against both of them. I feel like I’ve added years to my life, and I couldn’t have done it without Dr. Charles and the Fat Loss Factor program.
I spent less money on this program – $47 – than I have on a night out with friends! My only regret is that I didn’t find this program even sooner. Thanks again.

Adonis Golden Ratio Systems

Adonis Golden Ratio Systems 

Adonis Golden Ratio System | New 2013 Home fitness Training Program

So, What is Adonis Golden Ratio System?
The Adonis Golden Ratio is the ideal man’ shoulder width-to-waist proportion, and the Adonis Golden Ratio System is a weight-loss, muscle-building method that aims to get you there. The 12-week system consists of a workout and nutritional program with optional supplements. The goal of the Adonis Golden Ratio System is to help men achieve” the perfect male body.”
The program was created by John Barban, a consultant in the performance supplement industry, and it is promoted by Kyle Leon, a fitness model and weight loss program promoter. The Adonis Golden Ratio System package includes a 12-week workout program book, a nutrition guide and software, and a guide to supplements. The program claims everyone already possesses this golden ratio shape underneath extra flesh and fat, and it says that following the 12-week program will help you achieve that shape.
Instantly download John Barban’s Adonis Golden Ratio System below

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Why you should use a home fitness training program?
It’s easy to make excuses not to go to the gym, but it’s harder to come up with excuses not to exercise at all. With dozens of resources online, in books and on DVD, it’s easy to get started. There are lots of ways you can get fit without expensive gym equipment and without even stepping out your front door. Effective home workout programs can be used in the small space of your living room and with little more equipment that what you already own. There are lots of structured home fitness training programs you can follow, or you can develop your own.
Equipment: You can get by with as little as a dumbbell set, a resistance band, a step bench and a treadmill or jump rope. There are also lots of effective home fitness training programs that use your own bodyweight – think pushups, crunches and toe raises. Also keep in mind that you can use stairs, sand-filled milk jugs and other things around the house to get in shape.
DVDs: If you need more structure or already know you have a hard time pushing yourself, home exercise DVDs can help you stay on course and get in a full workout. There are programs for the extra-busy that feature 10 minute workouts; there are yoga videos, kickboxing, pilates, dance, whatever keeps you engaged.
Benefits: With a home workout program, you won’t have to pay a monthly gym membership, and you’re not wasting time getting to and from the gym. There are no crowds, and you can work out on your own.
Drawbacks: The camaraderie at a gym as well as seeing other people nearby push themselves to get in shape can provide extra inspiration. Home fitness training programs require self-discipline and commitment.
Stay motivated: One of the hardest aspects of home fitness training programs is keeping yourself motivated. Find a home exercise program you enjoy. Add in some pumping music. And always keep your workout gear in plain sight. Positive reinforcement doesn’t hurt either. Arrange for a little reward for after you exercise – a coffee upgrade, an extra 15 minutes of computer time, whatever it takes.